Scrumptious Jalapeño Shrimp & Quail Egg Salad

Photo of completed Scrumptious Jalapeño Shrimp & Quail Egg Salad

The jalapeño shrimp and quail egg salad is full of flavor and has a unique dressing. In addition, the salad is loaded with healthy ingredients. Quail eggs are not only delicious, but also nutritionally beneficial for our bodies. Their cholesterol content is lower than that of chicken eggs. One of their most valuable properties is their ability to remove radionuclides from the human body. Serve this tasty and healthy shrimp & quail egg salad as a starter or as a main course.

Ingredients A

  • 10-15 Shrimps (with shell removed and deveined)
  • 1 Tablespoon Chopped Jalapeño
  • 1/2 Tablespoon Chopped Fresh Garlic
  • 1/4 Tablespoon Fish Sauce (omit if dislike)
  • Pinch of Pink Himalayan Salt
  • Pinch of Black pepper
  • 1-2 Tablespoon Water
  • 2 Tablespoon Grapeseed Oil

Ingredients B

  • 10 Quail Eggs (hard boiled & shell removed)
  • Water (to boil quail egg)
  • 1/4 Cup Diced Fresh Tomato
  • 4-5 Mini Cucumbers
  • 1/4 Cup Diced Celery
  • 1-2 Tablespoons Mayonnaise
  • 1/8 Cup Chopped Fresh Cilantro/Parsley
  • ¼ Teaspoon Fresh Lime Juice


  1. Add some water to a small pot and cook the quail eggs until they are done, roughly 3-4 minutes.
  2. Once they are cooked, place them in cold water. Peel the shell off when it is cool enough to handle. Set aside.
  3. Prepare ingredients A, the shrimp for pan frying. Heat up 2 tablespoons of grapeseed oil in a pan on medium heat.
  4. Add in chopped garlic and chopped jalapeños. Fry for 1 minute or until fragrant.
  5. Add in shrimps, fish sauce. salt, black pepper & sugar.
  6. Add one to two tablespoons of water, one tablespoon of chopped cilantro, and keep frying until the flesh is opaque. Keep the remaining chopped cilantro for salad mixing later on.
  7. Turn the heat off. Dish the cooked shrimp out of the pan. Set aside.
  8. Dish out the gravy and the garlic/jalapeño mixture into a small bowl and set them aside to cool down. We will use this as dressing later on.
  9. In the meantime, clean tomatoes, celery, and cucumbers. Dice up tomatoes & celery, slice up mini cucumbers and set everything aside.
  10. Back to the dressing, add mayonnaise to the gravy of the garlic/jalapeño mixture that we set aside earlier. Mix well and set aside.
  11. Place all the prepared vegetables, shrimps, hard boiled quail eggs & fresh lime juice into a salad bowl.
  12. Pour in the dressing that we prepared earlier and toss everything together.


Tips & Notes

  1. Use fresh garlic if you can. It gives the salad a full flavour at the end.
  2. You substitute jalapeño with red chilli if jalapeño is not available.
  3. I used Pink Himalayan Salt. Alternatively you can use any kind of salt.
  4. Adjust salt & pepper accordingly both in the shrimp cooking process and salad mixing.
  5. You can substitute mini cucumber with field or english cucumber if you prefer over mini cucumber.
  6. Omit Cilantro if you dislike this herb and replace it with parsley.
  7. If quail egg is not available, of course you can substitute it with chicken egg.
  8. Double the ingredients in the recipe for a big serving.
  9. I used Italian grapeseed oil in my cooking. You may substitute grapeseed oil with your choice of oil.
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